Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Networking Groove / 7 Ways Pathways to Change

One of my New Year's resolutions is to network more. I had the pleasure of attending a Network After Work event on a tight timeline, but I managed to meet a few rock star networkers who offered opportunities and advice to tap into the moving and shaking that is going on in Austin.

I had a subsequent coffee date with a residential realtor. Admittedly, I thought it would be a waste of my time and had a game plan for a quick escape. However, his knowledge base for marketing and sales was quite wide and helpful. We discussed market research (which enveloped the American Marketing Association and something similar for direct mail) as well as the 7 Pathways To Change:

- Guilt
- Fear
- Flattery
- Anger
- Exclusivity
- Greed
- Salvation

See Also: How Successful People Network With Each Other

Friday, January 29, 2016

Questions for Evaluating Your Growth Plan

It’s the end of January. For many of us with a fiscal year matching the calendar year, this means sales plans are in place and the horses of your sales team are off the races to bring in new revenue.

On the other end of the spectrum, some companies are still in planning mode and may need a little inspiration for taking the big leap into rapid growth plans.

Wherever you’re at in planning for growth, these three priorities and associated questions should remain top of mind in guiding goals for new client acquisition:

  • Are lead generation efforts broad enough to address database attrition? 
  • What other marketing channels can I add to increase lead flow? 
  • How are leads converting, and what can I do to increase conversion rates? 

  • How is my sales team converting prospects into qualified opportunities, and where can efficiency be created? 
  • Is the headcount of my sales team optimal for revenue growth goals? 
  • Are sales skill sets and job duties properly aligned with objectives? 

  • What technologies can I introduce to improve marketing and sales processes? 
  • Regarding lead qualification, what are the biggest disconnects between leads sourced by marketing and leads accepted by sales? 
  • Would outsourcing some aspects of business development help increase focus on strategic growth initiatives while decreasing costs? 

For more content on improving marketing and sales efforts, check out SalesStaff’s blog.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Small wins, big gains

Good start to the racing year and encouragement for a sub-3 hour marathon. Now to stay focused! Reminder for next race: avoid indigestion.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Quote of the Week

"Success is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence. The extra energy required to make another effort or try another approach is the secret of winning." 

                                                                                                            - Denis Waitley

Monday, January 11, 2016

Two Secrets to Success

Personally, I don't believe this mantra. Learning, growing, and achieving is all about two-way communication!