There are really only 5 main approaches or “techniques” on how to handle objections:
- Feel/Felt/Found – “I totally understand how you feel about that, many clients have felt the same way. What they found was after seeing a demo and realizing the value they were able to justify the additional price.” (just don’t actually say the words ‘feel’, ‘felt’, ‘found’ or you’ll sound like an idiot to someone who knows it).
- Reprioritization – “I understand price is an issue but is it more important than the time you’ll get back to focus on other areas?”
- Clarification – “What do you mean you don’t have budget?”
- Justification – “Let me tell you what you get for that $20,000 and why we charge what we do.”
- Preemptive Strike – “Most companies I speak with get sticker shock when they see the price. Let me tell you why most of them still move forward with us.”
Source: Sales Hacker