One theme that keeps coming up lately is the concept of Truth. Yes, Truth with a capital "T".
There are truths and Truths, with objectivism and pragmatism lending themselves to the latter. Perceptions can create noise around overarching Truths, which can muddy up one's ability to be successful.
I also think back to the four ways of knowing that were taught to me:
- Intuition
- Authority
- Tenacity
- Empiricism
And I consider the five ways of knowing published by Huitt, W. here:
- Experience
- Intuition
- Religion
- Philosophy
Misinformation can cloud judgment. Misinformation can cause bad experiences. Misinformation can build belief systems on lies.
Having a unified means of measurement is critical for establishing Truth, but how does one decide which metrics can be applied to Truth seeking?
How do we prevent the concept of Big Data from being clouded by wrongful intentions?
Can science really distinguish between truth and Truth?
I hope for the good of the world that Truth will prevail and everyone in this world can find their own version of success.
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